Funny Story: From Panic to Relief

Jessi B Funny Story

Check out this funny story that Jessi shared with us! 👇

“Back in the early days of my career (within my first few months of being licensed) my mentor Greg Vuurganov asked me to go to his new listing to take notes, measurements, and photos. I was told the home had some furniture but was vacant as the Sellers had passed away and the children weren’t local.
I go to the home to do my thing and as I’m walking through the upstairs I look out the window into the back yard-and there is an elderly lady out there happily working in her garden.
I automatically assume I am in the wrong home and panic, I run it over in my head if I actually heard the door unlock, or if it maybe was already unlocked. I couldn’t remember.
My solution? I RAN AWAY, literally peeled wheels off the street without even locking the front door since I did not think it was actually locked when I got there.
As I’m driving watching for cop lights in my rear view I call Greg who then calls his listing contacts.
Turns out it was the right home, the neighbor knew the home was getting put on the market and decided to be kind and spruce up the gardens as a favor because she was friends with the previous owners. So I then had to speak with the seller’s children, apologize profusely, explain what happened (they got a good laugh) and then go back to the house to properly lock it up and actually do the notes and photos.”
-Jessi Burril, REALTOR®
The Dream Home Team by James Ferguson
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